Saturday, July 11, 2009


My husband is incredibly strong. He's also very serious. But holding these orbs in place is super tiring.

As a result, he has fallen asleep face-down over the covers diagonally and is snoring loudly right next to me. I may hog the covers, but that's better than taking up the whole daggone bed.


Let's get down to it:

Breakfast: Chocolate chip cookie, a plum and a Starbucks mocha [which I allowed myself since I got up early to go and clean for someone]. My mood was up there. I like cleaning for people: they get a clean home, I get a clear head. [70+40+170]

Lunch: Weird stuff - I just munched since I was working. I was offered a PB&J but I politely declined. I don't like to stop working to eat [which is funny because when I was a smoker I used to take LOTS of smoke breaks]. When I do eat, I inhale [hmm, perhaps a byproduct of my smoking days . . . ]. Throughout the day I had: 2 FiberOne bars, a small bag of chips, and 2 miniature dark chocolate bars. [130+130+160+100]

Coffee at home as I got ready for Politics and Prose. Spirits were soaring. Good times. [70]

At the bookstore I ate a Nutrigrain bar while I listened to Mr. Soodalter speak. Afterward we had dinner at the little coffeeshop cafe. I had a grilled ham, cheese and apple sandwich. Jermaine was skeptical about the apple. He is so closeminded. ;) Ooh, and a cup of decaf joe, too. [130+ 300+ 100]

At home I gave in to my craving for ice cream. But I resisted the urge to go in for round two. [250]

Toe-tally: 1650! Sixteen- Fifty!? Woo-hoo! Best so far. Yeehaw.

Biggest regret of the day: Not taking enough pictures. Boo. :(

Good night wonderful person. Thank you for taking time from your day to read my silly blog.

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