It's soo hot. I feel sticky and yucky and I want to go take a shower and I
should but I'm attempting to design my own boot camp regime. I'd like to do something exercisy today after I design it and I don't want to shower and then exercise.
So for now, I'll have to stay sticky. Bleh.
I've been seriously and not-so-seriously toying with the idea of designing a boot camp for myself for a loong time. I've also been not-so-seriously wanting to join an already-in-place boot camp program - mostly because it's fail-proof - they know what they're doing. But since I'm short on cash and tall on creativity, looks like do-it-yourself is my best option.
In it's basic form, I need three things: cardio, strength training and a "balanced diet". I'd also like to include some flexibility and balance work.
My cardio program will have two parts - running and other. The other will include anything from learning to skateboard with Sadie to obstacle courses to dance classes to ice skating. I'd like to balance reallyhardstuff with lotsoffun in the "other" part.
Strength training is pretty self-explanatory. I just have to figure out the program.
The balanced diet part has always been difficult for me. For now, I'm just going to continue what I have been trying (and failing) to do - eating roughly 1500 calories a day.
As for flexibility and balance - I'm thinking yoga videos.
I took a break from writing this just now to make lunch - and came out with some good ideas for installing the "boot camp" part of this whole dealio. Some things that are hard/not fun for me - keeping track of everything I'm eating and drinking enough water. I have decided to "punish" myself with jumping jacks and push-ups. If I wake up in the morning and realize I didn't track my food the day before - 50 jumping jacks. If I get the end of the evening and I haven't consumed, say 80 oz of water - 25 push-ups (which will be KILLER with my weak arms) and I need to add 10 oz to the next day. Ooh, and (just thought of this) - if I go over 1500 calories - then I'll 10 jumping jacks and 5 push-ups for every 100 calories over.
Usually I reward myself. Or at least set out to reward myself. I think I still may. I tend to lean toward being a positive reinforcer, but we'll see how the punishing goes.
Hmm. Let's set out the plan.
I'd like to do cardio 4-6 days a week.
I'd like to do strength training 3 days a week.
I'd like to do yogaish stuff once a week.
Since there are only seven days in a week and I need at least one day off, I'm going to have to double up.
Sooo, perhaps an ideal week would look like this:
Monday - Cardio (running) and strength training (arms)
Tuesday - Cardio (hard core boot camp style) and yoga
Wednesday - Cardio (running) and strength training (core)
Thursday - Fun cardio!
Friday - Cardio (running) and strength training (legs)
Saturday - Fun cardio!
Sunday - Day off. :)
I'll aim to make my cardio sessions 30 minutes to an hour long. I can, for the most part, do my strength training at home with videos or fitness magazines.
I can set up punishments for missing sessions, too. If I miss a cardio, I'll run around the outside of the house 10 times. If I miss a strength training or yoga session, I'll hold the plank pose for a total of 2 minutes.
Well, that was easy. I guess now we enter the hard part - following through. But if I do follow through - if I make it this whole week - with, let's say, less than 4 punishments - I need to figure out a non-expensive way to reward myself. Suggestions welcome!
Wish me luck!
I wonder what fun cardio thing Sadie and I should get into today . . .
*The picture above is extremely embarrassing for me to post. I guess it's how people around me see me everyday. But it's not how I see myself. It's time to remove my shell.